The Frontiers of Belonging International Research Training Group (IRTG) aims to collaboratively train doctoral researchers in the social sciences and humanities from our three institutions - the University of Ottawa, University of Douala - CERDYM, and University of Ghana, Legon, to deliberately centre local processes and histories, thereby strengthening an evidence-based foundation for more viable, sustainable, and locally informed refuge-seeking and hosting practices.

Meredith Terretta from the University of Ottawa is leading the IRTG pilot project. The co-directors, Michael Okyerefo (Sociology, University of Ghana-Legon), Ernest Messina Mvogo (History/IR, University of Douala-CERDYM), and Rose Ndengue (History, Glendon College-York University), have played a crucial role in the project. They have successfully recruited six doctoral students, two from each partnering institution. These students will be trained by a mix of emerging and established researchers from each university.

To contribute to this extraordinary initiative, as a partner, Walk With Web has developed the project website and will conduct workshops for these students to train them in the essential skills of digital research knowledge creation and mobilization. This project is funded by a Partnership Development Grant, Social Sciences Humanities Research Council of Canada.